What to do when your drive to create content has fizzled
It's nearly the end of 2022 and I don't know about you, but this time of year always seems so hectic for many reasons. Year end bookkeeping,...
Head Shot VS. Brand Shoot. Do You Know The Difference?
You have come to the conclusion you need some professional photos for your small or medium sized biz. You've likely heard a few buzz words dropped...
Photography, Self discovery and Travel
I thought blog posts were dead, which is perhaps why I haven’t written one in about 2 years, but let’s try and give AI a run for its money shall we? (Be forewarned, this will be a long one) I’m a photographer. More specifically these days, a brand photographer. However, this post will...
What to do when your drive to create content has fizzled
It's nearly the end of 2022 and I don't know about you, but this time of year always seems so hectic for many reasons. Year end bookkeeping, Christmas, creating promotions, figuring out what comes next for the new year, traveling, shopping and the list goes on. This for some can create a feeling...
Head Shot VS. Brand Shoot. Do You Know The Difference?
You have come to the conclusion you need some professional photos for your small or medium sized biz. You've likely heard a few buzz words dropped like: Headshots, branding photography, personal branding photography, lifestyle photography or environmental portraits. You think to yourself, 'ok,...
Posing Tips For Your Personal Branding Shoot
One of the biggest fears or points of hesitance I hear from people when it comes to having their photos done, is that they are afraid of what they will look like on camera. They are afraid they will not know what to do or how to 'act' in front of the lens to get a natural looking photo. I'm not...
Is Pricing Transparency Important?
Do you find yourself having to justify your prices to people looking for your services? There are a couple of truths to be had here. Often if someone has never used your type of service before, they have no idea what it may cost. Unlike using services most of us are familiar with, such as going to...
How Location and Wardrobe Choices Can Make or Break Your Branding Session
Let's talk about how location and wardrobe choices can make or break your branding photo session. If you've ever had to go out and procure photography for your business or even a personal, or family session, one question you might have asked is what do I (we) wear? It's likely one of the first...
How Your Personal Brand Can Improve Your Business
Ok, let's dig in to how your personal brand can help you in your business. I'm not going to lie. This was a speech I prepared for one of my Toastmaster meetings last week, but I thought it was good enough to recycle into a blog post. This may be an obvious review for some of you, but others may be...
Will You Be Ready For The Next Phase?
Well 2020 has been a cracker hasn't it? From Australia being on fire, to Canada's worst mass shooting, murder hornets and a world pandemic things don't seem like they can get much worse. Well never say never, but we need to stay positive and look to the future right? If you are a business owner of...
A Step-by-Step Walk Through with Star Brand Photography
A Step by Step walk through with Star Brand Photography - What should I expect? Welcome! It's been a while since I have crafted a blog post here at Star Brand Photography. Why? Well much like you, I have been planning and building a business and hadn't yet come to terms with all the ways I wanted...
How Sponsoring or Volunteering at an Event Can Help Boost Your Personal Brand
Can attending, sponsoring or volunteering at events be beneficial to your business? Hi, I'm Stacey, Ottawa's Personal Brand Photographer and to answer that question, a resounding YES! If you're an entrepreneur struggling to get noticed in your industry, a great way to meet other like minded...
How Much Should You Be Paying For Professional Photography?
One of the toughest things to figure out in a photography business is how much to charge your clients. Charge too high, you might scare customers off, too low, you are leaving money on the table and you may look like an amateur, don't charge enough to cover your overhead costs, you won't stay in...
8 Ways To Use Your Personal Branding Photos To Boost Your Business
So you've just had a personal brand photo shoot done with your awesome brand photographer, now what? You already post daily on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter with your interesting quips, and cell phone pics, how will using your professional pics make a difference? Consistency is the key. ...

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