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What to do when your drive to create content has fizzled

Dec 8, 2022

It’s nearly the end of 2022 and I don’t know about you, but this time of year always seems so hectic for many reasons. Year end bookkeeping, Christmas, creating promotions, figuring out what comes next for the new year, traveling, shopping and the list goes on.

This for some can create a feeling of overwhelm and you might feel zapped of creativity and motivation. I can tell you for certain, that’s how I feel. I just want to shut it all down and start fresh next year!

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Start what though?

If you haven’t thought about or even prepared what your 2023 might look like after the holiday chaos, your January might end up looking and feeling the same as it does now.

January through March is typically slower for me, and I get a little more antsy and want to start new projects during this down time. It may or may not be a slower time for you and your business in the new year, but usually after the holiday’s we are amped up and ready to get things going again.

So, if you have been anything like me the last little while, I feel I have completely turned off my desire to create content, engage on social media and I struggle with what to post. Everything kind of feels ‘been there done that’.

What I tend to forget though is yes, maybe my loyal followers have heard what I do and offer over and over again, but I have stopped bringing in new people, they have been trickling in at a snail’s pace and I want to re-engage.

The problem many of us have….what do we do that feels fresh, how do we get motivated? Should I create daily on the spot or plan out content ahead? If you feel stumped or uninspired, where do you go from there?

I have found something that answers these questions and I am excited to try it and get back to creating more regular content.

Let me explain.

I, like everyone else, follow people of interest on Instagram. I have been following someone named Lucas O’Keefe for a while. He basically tells you how to engage and create better content on Instagram. His posts are great, educational and a great source of info. Something he posted recently caught my eye. It was a content planning calendar that gives you suggestions on what to post everyday for a year.

Yes, I’ve come across these types of things before, but this one will work for any industry, has a good mix of ideas for selling, fun, education, getting to know you and a multitude of other ideas to get your creative juices flowing consistently.

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This is the template I will be using to revamp my content game for 2023.
I know so many of my followers also struggle with this and get into that rut of not knowing what to post, so just skip it all together. I truly think that this is something that would help a lot of us, so I wanted to share it with you.

Best part about it is, it’s super cheap to purchase! Once you purchase it, he updates it each year too, to freshen it up. I decided it’s worth sharing and easy to make your own so that even if other people in your circle are using the same template, it’s still going to be your own.

If you want to check it out, the link is here:  2023 Social Media Content Calendar

I might still be quiet on social media for now, but I feel better knowing I have a plan going into 2023 and will not have to worry as much about not knowing what to post on my social feeds.

You’ll see more of me soon (whether you want to or not!)

I hope everyone has a great holiday season and I’ll see you in the new year.

Stacey of Star Brand Photography in Ottawa Ontario Canada

Stacey Stewart is a professional brand photographer serving Ottawa, with waitlists in Montreal and Toronto.

She’s a mother and a crazy cat lady. Learn more about Stacey here.

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